Install Deb Package Puppy Linux Discussion

  1. Install Deb Linux Mint

Author: Mikael Vingaard

Puppy Linux is a small Linux live CD distribution that can boot from a CD, DVD, or USB drive; a hard disk is optional. According to the Puppy Linux Web site, Puppy’s goals include being Linux newbie-friendly, booting and running quickly, and including all the applications typical users need. The newest version is its most usable yet.

Sudo dpkg -i.deb When that has completed, do this Code: Select all Expand view Collapse view cd desktop-integration sudo dpkg -i.deb Do not omit this last change of directory and repeat of the installation command, as this puts links for OpenOffice into your Office group. Also note that in linux caps/lowercase are important.

The brand new puppy-2.02-seamonkey version was released late last month. The minimum requirements are a 100MHz CPU and 64MB of RAM or better, which makes it a great way to extend the life of old PCs. The ISO image is only 72MB, but it is packed with a wide range of software of all kinds. Commonly used applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, and Web editor tools are all available on the live CD.

For graphics, you can choose between the Xorg or Xvesa; if you’re unsure of which to try, go with the Xorg option and pick a window manager. Busybox, JWM, and IceWM are among the ones available; I used JWM.

When you start Puppy you’ll see several icons on the desktop, logically labeled Browse, Write, Chat, Email, and so on, rather than with the actual name of each application, which makes the first encounter with Puppy easier for the Linux novice. Puppy supports NTFS partitions, making it possible to save files on a Windows NTFS formatted hard disk.

Getting started

You can either purchase a Puppy CD or download the ISO image and burn it to a CD yourself. After a successful boot, Puppy will ask you a few questions about things like your keyboard and screen setup. The installation instructions are easy to follow, even for a Linux novice. If everything is working, you will hear Puppy greet you with a bark in your stereo and you are ready to go.

When you get started, Puppy runs in the PC’s memory. When you log out or shutdown the live CD, Puppy asks if you want to save the current configuration. The save information is in a single file named pup_202.sfs, and you may save it to the hard drive, a USB drive, or even to the CD, if it is a multisession CD.

If you would like a permanent Puppy PC, the live CD provides a simple option to transfer the Puppy OS onto a USB, flash, or hard drive of your choice. I tested the hard disk installation successfully on a old 10GB IDE disk. The process is simple, with good guidelines, even for the novice.

Click to enlarge

What about extra software?

If you need software that doesn’t come on the Puppy install CD, you may be able to download it from Puppy’s package repository. Just as Red Hat has the .rpm package format and Debian has .deb, Puppy has its own .pup package format. Currently there are more that a thousand applications in the Puppy repository, and this number is growing fast. If the particular application you want isn’t available, you can grab a .deb package and install it on a Puppy system via the Alien application.

Why does Puppy use a different binary package format than the more popular distros? Because Puppy Linux is not based on any other distribution. Creator and lead developer Barry Kauler wrote almost everything from scratch.

As the Puppy is a non-commercial project, the only support option is the active Puppy Linux Discussion Forum, which is good for both novices and pros.

Puppy isn’t just suitable for newbies; even seasoned Linux pros can benefit from using it. For instance, since Puppy can mount an NTFS-formatted hard disk, it can retrieve files that may have been lost after a Windows-based PC died.

Despite Puppy’s small size, there are several things a Linux novice will appreciate, such as Adobe Flash being preinstalled and most audio and video formats working “out of the box.”

I have successfully introduced Puppy to many people with various levels of IT skills. It’s fast and it “just works.” I often use Puppy when I have to examine a dead hard disk; I will bring Puppy and the Auditor live CD with me, with Puppy as first choice. The range of applications and ease of use makes it my favorite Linux live CD.

Mikael Vingaard, CISSP, works at BSDConsult with the ISO 27001 standards and support and education for the Open/FreeBSD OS.


  • Linux
Active2 months ago

I have a deb package for installation.

Shall I install by dpkg -i my.deb, or by apt?

Will both handle the software dependency problem well?

If by apt, how can I install from the deb by apt?

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8 Answers

When you use apt to install a package, under the hood it uses dpkg. When you install a package using apt, it first creates a list of all the dependencies and downloads it from the repository.

Once the download is finished it calls dpkg to install all those files, satisfying all the dependencies.

So if you have a .deb file:

  • You can install it using:

  • You can install it using sudo apt install ./name.deb (or sudo apt install /path/to/package/name.deb).

    With old apt-get versions you must first move your deb file to /var/cache/apt/archives/ directory. For both, after executing this command, it will automatically download its dependencies.

  • Install gdebi and open your .deb file using it (Right-click ->Open with). It will install your .deb package with all its dependencies.

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    (Note: APT maintains the package index which is a database of available packages available in repo defined in /etc/apt/sources.list file and in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory. All these methods will fail to satisfy the software dependency if the dependencies required by the deb is not present in the package index.)

Why use sudo apt-get install -f after sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb/file (mentioned in first method)?

From man apt-get:

When dpkg installs a package and a package dependency is not satisfied, it leaves the package in an 'unconfigured' state and that package is considered broken.

sudo apt-get install -f command tries to fix this broken package by installing the missing dependency.

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Install your foo.deb file with dpkg -i foo.deb. If there are some errors with unresolved dependencies, run apt-get install -f afterwards.


Here's the best way to install a .deb file on Ubuntu on the command-line:

If you don't have gdebi installed already, install it using sudo apt install gdebi-core.

gdebi will look for all the dependencies of the .deb file, and will install them before attempting to install the .deb file. I find this much preferable than sudo dpkg -i skype.deb && sudo apt install -f. The latter is much too eager to remove dependencies in certain situations. For instance, when I tried to install Skype, it attempted to remove 96 (!) packages, including packages like compiz and unity! gdebi gave a much clearer error message:

(Here is the solution to that particular issue, by the way.)

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You can install a local .deb package by:

Make sure to specify a local relative or absolute path (./ if in current dir), otherwise it will look for foo.deb in the remote repos and fail.


Check the dependencies with dpkg -I my.deb and apt-get install the dependencies before dpkg -i my.deb.

Install Deb Linux Mint

May be you can copy the my.deb in /var/cache/apt/archives and install it directly with apt-get but I never tried.Doesn't work, apt-get and dpkg are looking for packages listed in archives.

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The simplest answer would be to use dpkg by running dpkg -i packagename.deb. You could then uninstall it by running dpkg -r packagename.deb.
apt-get is a higher level installer based off of dpkg, and as such you could apt-get install packagename.deb.
It would be beneficial for add it to your apt-get archives directory (/var/cache/apt/archives) so you could reference it as a package with dependencies and not a standalone .deb archive.
Also, by adding it to your apt-get archives directory, you have the opportunity to use dependencies with apt-get install packagename. This would let you install it with any manually added dependencies instead of dpkg's standalone archive-based system.

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Modern apt-get can be used to install a package simply with apt-get install /path/to/package/name.deb.

(should be done as edit to the top answer but it was rejected - see

Mateusz KoniecznyMateusz Konieczny

It is very simple if I want to install Chrome.

Install your Chrome file as:

Sometimes there is a chance of getting some dependency errors like the following:

So to resolve above issues, you need to add dependencies; give the following command:

After giving the above command, dependencies will be added to your machine and your Debian package (.deb) file will be installed.

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Pavan vadrevuPavan vadrevu

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