Cctalk Serial Interface


MDB MASTER/Slave and EXECUTIVE interface to RS232 or USB (with external USB RS232 converter) serial (PICOVEND SERIAL BRIDGE) It can be, also, used to connect to a Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi and compatible SBC, but for this we recommend the dedicated Raspberry Pi to MDB master/slave and Executive shield, with many advantages (like an extra ccTalk interface, Raspberry Pi power supply on-board, etc.). General purpose RS232 serial port, with no hardware flow wires -Used to connect the MDB PERIPHERALS. ccTalk - Used to connect he CCTALK PERIPHERALS.VTLCOMBUS. This is a proprietary protocol that can be used to expand the board with any needed boards (I/O ans sensr boards, etc.). For the moment there is one.

  1. Serial Interface Rs232
  2. Serial Interface Definition

How to get your competition fired pdf free. ccTalk (pronounced see-see-talk) is a serial protocol in widespread use throughout the money transaction and point-of-sale industry. Peripherals such as the currency detectors for coins and banknotes found in a diverse range of automatic payment equipment such as transportation, ticketing, payphones, amusement machines, and retail cash management use ccTalk to talk to the host controller.

The ccTalk protocol is one of 2 protocols specified by BACTA for use in all AWP machines with serial coin acceptors. (The other is the Host Intelligent Interface protocol developed by Mars Electronics International).[1]:20

The protocol was developed at a company called Coin Controls (hence coin-controls-talk, later called Money Controls and from 2010 Crane Payment Solutions) on the outskirts of Manchester in north-west England mainly by Engineer Andrew William Barson. The first release of the protocol was in 1996.[2]

The ccTalk protocol is an open standard.[1]:13

The protocol uses an asynchronous transfer of character frames in a similar manner to RS232. The main difference is that it uses a single two-way communication data line for half-duplex communication rather than separate transmit and receives lines. It operates at TTL voltages and is ‘multi-drop’ i.e. peripherals can be connected to a common bus and are logically separated by a device address. Each peripheral on the ccTalk bus must have a unique address.

The original protocol operated at 4800 baud with subsequent releases standardising on 9600 baud. Low cost bridge chips are now available from a number of manufacturers to allow ccTalk to run over USB at baud rates of at least 1 Mbit/s.

ccTalk protocol stacks have been implemented on a range of devices from tiny Microchipmicrocontrollers with 512 bytes of ROM to powerful ARM7 32-bit processors.[1]:12-13

The protocol supports all standard operations for electronic devices such as flash upgrading of firmware, secure transfer of data and detailed diagnostic information.

Serial Interface Rs232

Advantages of ccTalk include low cost UART technology, a simple-to-understand packet structure, an easily expandable command interface and no licensing requirements. The latter affords the protocol a good deal of popularity in a crowded and highly competitive field similar to open-source software.

In 2010, DES encryption was added to certain commands so that it could be made more resilient against attacks on the bus.[2]Each peripheral has its own unique DES key.[3][4]

An Example ccTalk Message Packet[edit]

TX data = 2 0 1 245 8

  • 2 = destination address
  • 0 = zero data bytes
  • 1 = source address
  • 245 = command header ‘Request equipment category id’
  • 8 = checksum ( 2 + 0 + 1 + 245 + 8 = 256 = 0 mod 256 )

This is a message from address 1 ( the host ) to peripheral address 2 to find out what it is.

RX data = 1 13 2 0 67 111 105 110 32 65 99 99 101 112 116 111 114 22

  • 1 = destination address
  • 13 = 13 data bytes
  • 2 = source address
  • 0 = reply header
  • 67…114 = ASCII for ‘Coin Acceptor’
  • 22 = checksum ( sum of all packet bytes is zero )

The reply from address 2 back to address 1 identifies it as a coin acceptor.


Cctalk serial interface code

The ccTalk protocol is a byte-oriented protocol. The series of bytes in a message -- represented above as a series of decimal numbers -- is transmitted as 8-N-1.

Many devices have single electrical connector that carries both power (typically +12 V or +24 V) and the ccTalk data over a total of 4 wires.

To reduce cost, for short interconnection distances CPI recommends sending ccTalk data over an unbalanced multi-drop open-collector interface: both transmit and receive messages occur on the same bi-directional serial DATA line at TTL level, driven through an open-collector NPN transistor.The pull-up resistor at the host pulls the DATA line to +5 V, so logical 1 (and idle) is nominally +5 V, and logical 0 (and start bit) is nominally 0 V.[1]:15,17For longer distances, CPI recommends sending ccTalk data over a balanced multi-drop RS-485 driver interface, also nominally +5 V and 0 V.[1]:17

Serial Interface Definition

Secure peripherals require all bytes of a message to be encrypted, except for the first two bytes -- the destination address byte and the.Issue 4.7

  • ^ ab'Money Controls'
  • ^'DES Encryption for Coin Acceptors and Bill Validators'
  • ^'DES Encryption for Hoppers'
  • External links[edit]

    Retrieved from ''
    What is a serial interface

    The original ccTalk protocol did not use any kind of encryption. It was thought that the security in a serial interface was so much better than a parallel one that no. The ccTalk protocol is used to transfer information and commands to various money processing device, including coin/bill acceptors and coin. The OSI 7-layer network model is of limited use for a simple control protocol such as cctalk. Whereas the task of writing software for full-blown networking.

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    ccTalk – Wikipedia

    The use for host machines is free as far as I knowfor slaves a per unit fee must be paid. This page was last edited on 16 Septemberat September Learn how and when to remove this template message. The protocol was developed at a company called Coin Controls hence coin-controls-talk, later called Money Controls and from Crane Payment Solutions on the outskirts of Cctal, in north-west England mainly by Engineer Andrew William Barson.

    Each peripheral on the ccTalk bus must have a unique address.

    Serial pulse protocol

    The ccTalk protocol is an open standard. C function equivalent to CCtalk protocol Ask Question. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Retrieved from ” https: Some have individual inputs to enable each coin or bill channel. This specific coin acceptor CF uses the ccTalk protocol.

    Any comments are welcome, just write me a mail: You are commenting using your WordPress.

    These are the most common protocols usedI have tested more or less all of them: Sign up using Facebook. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The addresses are encoded in a byte, which means that a maximum of devices can be used on a single bus.

    The interface is simple just one bidirectional data wire ,PC friendly and easy to implement even on a low resources micro controller. Email required Address never made public. The address 0 is the broadcast address. This article cvtalk a list of referencesrelated reading or external linksbut its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations.

    Using these tools, it is quite easy to actually understand how a ccTalk-enabled device works and use it in your own projects. There is also support in the protocol for power management. As a workaround the serial port must be reset at pfotocol runtime or some kind of translation hardware interface must be used. The original protocol operated at baud with subsequent releases standardising on baud. This site uses cookies.

    CcTalk is free to use for slaves and host to and any producer has ccTalk version of their products. All devices must process the request and respond with source address 0. Learn how your comment data is processed. Only for coin and bill acceptors. As multiple devices can be on the same bus, each of them has its own address on that bus so they don’t conflict with each other.

    Cctalk serial interface software

    Is a variant of parallel pulse protocol where a the outputs are valid only on the edge of a clock linethis allow using combinations to represent the bill channel so 16 bills can be signaled ;rotocol 4 data outputs and a clock line. Examples Here are some example packets: Im looking fordward to integrate a coin acceptor into one of our divices.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I’ve been working with the default libraries provided from the supplier which I can use in Chowever i want to see if its possible Find and USE a C Function equivalent to the cctalk protocol and if possible use it directly into my C code.

    Sign up using Email and Password. The ccTalk protocol is a byte-oriented protocol. There is no error recoverysome security can be reached by tightening the acceptable pulses width error accepted.

    ccTalk tutorial, a guide to bill/coin acceptor and coin hopper protocols – ccTalk tutorial

    Sign up dctalk log in Sign up using Google. Post as a guest Name. For instance, header 0xfe is the “Sample poll” header. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.

    It is normally not a problem, as normally only the controller sends command to devices, but if we want to sniff data on the bus, we will need to know the request before parsing the answer. Regarding responses, all of them use header 0, which can be considered as an ACK packet.

    Keep in mindany trustworthy producer will have some ccTalk version of his product.

    This article is the first part of a series about the ccTalk protocol. The latter affords the protocol a good deal of popularity in a crowded and highly competitive field similar to open-source software. The issue code is assigned to different issue dates or special mint variations of the same prootcol.

    The main difference is that it uses a single two-way communication data line for half-duplex communication rather than separate transmit and receives lines. The parser itself is easy to use, just pass a binary file and it will extract all ccTalk frames it can find:. Addresses The addresses are encoded in a byte, which means that a maximum of devices can be used on a single bus. Can be run over serial to USB converters.

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