Install Clockingit En Windows

Active6 months ago

Var Cln = 'Any+Mp4+Blu+Ray+Player+Registration+Code+Free+Download';var gJz = new Array;gJz'Ncd'='ef.' ClockingIT is a Ruby on Rails project designed by Norwegians Erlend and Ellen Simonsen in 2007. ClockingIT is a unique open source time-and-task management tool. The developers’ goal in making ClockingIT is for it to bridge the work scope between consultants and executives on a particular project.

On Facebook you can browse the site without affecting the floating chat windows. Seems like if the main page was inside an iFrame and the footer and chat windows where floating outside.


Is the main content inside an iframe or are the footer and chat windows the ones inside an iframe?

The later doesn't seem possible because int this case when you click in a link in the main page everything would have to reload, including the footer iframe.

If you refresh the page the chat windows are reloaded, but if you browse the site by clicking links they are not.

Thank you.

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Santiago CorredoiraSantiago Corredoira
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4 Answers

If you install FireBug and enable the net monitor for Facebook, you'll see that when you click most links inside the application, you're not doing a full page refresh, but rather an AJAX call which updates the page with the new content.

It looks like a new page, but in reality you're on the same page with just about everything but the chat-bar replaced.


Probobly just an absolutely positioned div, containing a scrolling div for the content. Ajax would provide the content.

6,0873 gold badges33 silver badges47 bronze badges

The chat windows do indeed refresh when you load a new page, they maintain their viewstate however (open/close/chat history).

Tequila JinxTequila Jinx

It's an absolutely positioned div, positioned at the bottom of your browser window. It's not hard, I cloned the Facebook chat for ClockingIT from scratch in a weekend.


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Active8 years, 3 months ago

I apologize in advance if this is not an SF question, but I'm thinking it's in the gray.

Are there any good Open Source or atleast fair priced 'intranet' project portals where you can have a dashboard, view your tasks as well as your employee's and co-workers tasks so you can see what your team(s) are working on.

I'm looking for something that is not cumbersome to manage, has a clean UI/Dashboard, etc. etc.

David Pashley
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closed as off-topic by 87cd25770a, mdpc, Falcon Momot, Ward, MadHatterAug 29 '13 at 9:34

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they tend to become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve.' – 87cd25770a, mdpc, Falcon Momot, Ward, MadHatter
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

9 Answers

I've been using Taskfreak at my workplace and it's been great for simple project tracking, and filing bugs. It's easy and unencumbered enough that the traders (read: guys who hate technological solutions) here feel comfortable using it.

7421 gold badge6 silver badges16 bronze badges

There are various free products. Trac, Redmine and Mantis are reasonable. You might like to look at Bugzilla and Request Tracker too, although the former is heavily geared towards development and the latter is heavily geared towards cusomter service.

If you're willing to pay money, then JIRA is 10USD/year for 10 or fewer users. Basecamp is 25USD/m.

I can not recommend JIRA enough, but it is costly if you have more than 10 users.

David PashleyDavid Pashley
21.2k1 gold badge34 silver badges69 bronze badges

You could use:

IN-APP PURCHASE Convert PDFs and organize pages on the go by subscribing to one of Adobe’s online services. ORGANIZE PAGES IN PDF FILES • Subscribe to Acrobat Pro DC using In-App Purchase. • Reorder, rotate, and delete pages in your PDFs. You can get started without ever leaving your app, and subscriptions work across all your computers and devices. Adobe download CREATE PDF FILES • Subscribe to Adobe PDF Pack using In-App Purchase.

  • Redmine Redmine is a flexible project management web application.
  • Trac Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects.

We use Redmine.


DotNetNuke is an awesome and highly configurable project that can be used as an Intranet portal.


Install Clockingit En Windows Xp

We use(d) a twiki for that.

Unfortunately it is hard (meaing: I failed) to make team and management see the benefit of documenting project/task progress in a systematic (read: automatic evaluation / summation is possible) way as opposed to a 'pragmatic' (read: outlook, free form (winowrd) reports) approach.

A major factor is the lack of a (working) wysiwyg editor for twiki.


We've used Dotproject before but it feels antiquated. I've been looking at TeamBox with great interest.


If you want something that's more geared towards ticketing, I've been using MySQL's Eventum for a few years now, and it works wonderfully. I don't know if they have an online demo, but feel free to send me mail and I'll give you an account on my installation to try it out.

Jason AntmanJason Antman

As mentioned elsewhere, can be used as a hosted service or you can download the code and run it yourself.

Install Clockingit Windows


It's not Open Source, but Windows SharePoint Services will cost you nothing, will do all you need, and will integrate quite cleanly with your Active Directory if you have one.

Maximus MinimusMaximus Minimus
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